
Nov 23, 2010

Obvious brownnosing is a sure reputation killer

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There are some people who will do just about anything to look good in the boss' eyes. From gushing ‘ You are the best boss anyone can ever have' to bringing him lunch to emitting a belly laugh at his weakest jokes to offering exaggerated compliments over just about anything be it his looks, clothes or ideas. The ingratiating behaviour extends to spending more time chatting with the boss than actually working and agreeing with him over everything to even mimicking his mannerisms or working style.

But such obvious brownnosing is more likely to kill your reputation and respect in the office than get you anywhere. These acts will most likely brand you as sneaky and manipulative who cannot be trusted. What's more, unabashedly worshipping the ground he walks on is not likely to blindside your boss for long either. Most bosses suspect a hidden agenda in the insincere attitude thus drowning out your ambitions.

And you are left wondering ‘what did I do wrong' – after all even various experts agree that some buttering up is essential for getting ahead in the workplace. Moreover, scores of people have won best projects, plum raises and quick promotions by virtue of their relationship with the boss!

Well, currying favour is a slippery path indeed. You have to master the art of ‘getting into the good books' to be able to move ahead and that too with your respect and reputation intact. Instead of fawning all over the boss in an unconvincing manner, a more restrained approach coupled with quality performance and good communication will actually get you what you want.

Here are a few tips on the same:

Be liberal with compliments: Do not hesitate to praise your boss, but do ensure that the flattery is specific, sincere and believable. Generously share credit even over your achievements without going overboard. A business writer advices, “Do not express admiration directly. Instead you can couch a compliment in a question by asking, How were you able to pull off that strategy so successfully?

It goes without saying that what everyone wants to look good, especially those in top positions. Therefore, your job is to impart genuine recognition to your boss at every opportunity especially in front of his supervisors, but without looking like a brown-noser. As Linda Pophal, author of Human Resource Essentials points out, “If you can make your manager look good, you'll look good.” Also, ensure that you never show up, correct or criticise your boss or even try to make yourself look good at his expense.

Make yourself valuable: Volunteer a helping hand to the boss and try to lessen his job load whenever possible. You can subtly make yourself indispensable by regularly updating him on industry news, offering creative ideas and helpful solutions to problems, taking on extra responsibilities or helping him to realise personal goals. Here again take care that you do not go out of your way to often as it can easily be construed as currying favour!

Show that you are enthusiastic about your work and want to improve your performance by asking for constructive input/feedback on your work. Seeking advice on the best way to tackle tough projects and asking intelligent, meaningful questions on the job intricacies is bound to earn the boss' admiration. “The ultimate compliment is to ask for your boss' advice”, says Terri Levine, author of Work Yourself Happy.

Maintain effective and ongoing communication by discussing your work in a clear and concise manner. Make it a point to share pertinent information and demonstrate your value so that you always remain visible to the higher-ups.

Quality counts: Last but not the least; nothing can impress a boss more than quality work and consistent performance. Endeavour to do the job to the best of your ability and concentrate on advancing the team goals. Be a professional, dependable, honest, ethical and high-achieving employee who treats everyone fairly, respects seniors and contributes to the overall success of the organisation.

In this manner, you will genuinely appeal to the sensibilities of your boss and win his admiration. That too with your self-esteem intact as the recognition, praise and favour is well-earned.

Payal Chanania

1 comment:

  1. Payal, I keep reading your articles regularly and find it good. Could you please share some thoughts on: -

    "How to say NO to our boss" when some job is pushed to us and when we are sure that this is either not our job or cannot be done.

    I would be happy if some practical examples are quoted. I am still thinking about this in my own professional experiece, but unable to find one.
