
Dec 27, 2007

Filling the shoes of a popular manager

Published on Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007
Mr. Wonderful: There is this beloved manager – the golden boy of all his subordinates. He is warm, affable, smart and immensely popular. The boundless charisma alone leaves behind a lasting legacy.
Mr. Scapegoat: You are the one charged with the daunting task of taking over the reins from this iconic personality. A tall order indeed. After all, filling the shoes of a well-liked manager comes with more than its fair share of hiccups.
It’s almost a losing battle from the word go. A wall of resistance surfaces as the replacement rankles one and all. No matter what you do, it can never measure up to the predecessor’s lofty reverence. Any and every move is met with constant digs and rolling eyes. Even the oodles of vision and enthusiasm fizzle out when brutal comparisons litter your path at every turn.
So much so that at times, it makes you sorely regret taking up the job itself. As a long-suffering ‘replacement’ puts it, “It’s a bit of a poisoned chalice taking over from someone like Thomas as there’s only one way to go – down”.
Well, its time to quit feeling sorry for yourself and stop rueing the ‘impossible’ situation. There may be a host of challenges on your plate, but you have to step up to the task and face them head on. After all, taking over from a ‘God’ never was easy.
Winning over the brigade
Stepping in for a highly popular leader after he bows out can be a confidence-shaking and nerve-wrecking experience indeed. Here’s how to start off on the right foot:
Give them time – Irrespective of whether the much-acclaimed predecessor has resigned, been promoted or quit, employees will be in a state of shock and mourning. They need time to grieve and get over the loss, before they can even contemplate accepting, let alone transferring their loyalties to the successor. Be sensitive to their feelings and let them come to terms with the emotional situation.
Embrace the old order – Try not to resist or feel insecure of the old manager’s style and approach. Getting his imprimatur will give you an invincible seal of approval and credibility, thus easing the thorny path to a great extent. So, request your predecessor to introduce you around, give pertinent information and be accessible for clarifying doubts. Referring to his projects, techniques and successes will send across the right vibes too.
No need to ruffle feathers – Do not rush in with your own agenda and make changes left, right and centre. No matter how correct the methodology, it is a sure shot invitation for conflict. For instance, people may be used to a laid-back, supportive, spontaneous or personal approach. As such, even a slightly formal or planned line will rub them the wrong way.
Toe the line – Instead of asserting yourself early on, take the gradual approach and try to be more responsive and accommodating. Though it may cramp your abilities, adhere to the established rituals and techniques for a while. Concentrate on gathering sufficient information, learning the basics and rallying support around you. Instead of asserting yourself straight away, take the gradual approach. Admit that it is difficult taking over from such a popular figure and that things will change slowly. Confessing up the differences will help you win their respect as well as assistance.
Leave your own mark – Once you learn the ropes and settle in, it is not obligatory to mimic the predecessor’s methods. Evolve your own leadership style in due course. Introduce small changes and refinements in goals. Taking one step at a time with finesse, creativity and clear communication will slowly overcome the resistance paving the way for a successful relationship. Patiently working your way with self-confidence will help you to gradually carve a niche for yourself as a successful leader in your right.
Quintessentially, it has been rightly said, ‘It is easier to work in a god’s shadow than to follow in his footsteps’. The latter is truly a trial by fire on all counts.
Again, people are bound to have trouble in breaking the ties and transferring their loyalties to you. Your attitude and behaviour alone will spell the difference between a perpetually bumpy ride and a seamless leadership transition! And, it will be poetic justice indeed when down the line, your employees refuse to let go of your legacy.

Answer this – Why do you work?

Published on Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007

Why do we work? A redundant question indeed! Everyone has to work to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

But, are things so cut and dried? Is work just a complex, dead-end drudgery that we just have to do to earn bread and butter?
Well, it definitely is about the money, but not only about the money! Else, why would, say a Bill Gates or Mukesh Ambani still be working? This again begs the question – why do we work so hard even after becoming wealthy?
Besides, why do bankers abandon their lucrative professions to turn into violinists, lawyers reincarnate themselves as chefs and CAs as cinema producers! And, if work did not go beyond the earnings aspect, how would the concept of ‘voluntary’ work even come into being?
Think again, what would we do 24 hours a day if we did not work. How long can you watch TV, read, sleep or even play golf for that matter? In fact, pleasure activities acquire meaning only when punctuated by work. Even leisure is defined as time spent recovering from work!
Therefore, earning a pay cheque may be the prime motivator, but that is not the one and only incentive for doing work. Apart from meeting the material aspects and paying the bills, work compensates in many non-monetary ways too (and, I am definitely not talking about the ‘in kind’ perquisites that come with most jobs!)
Apart from the social conditioning that we ‘have to’ do ‘some work’, ask yourself why you really work. While most of us do view a job as a means to a pecuniary end, everyone has their own set of reasons for doing what they do. These can range from:
• Work gives meaning, purpose, direction to my life
• It’s about doing something I am good at – a celebration of my natural strengths, talents, knowledge
• I love what I do, it is a source of joy for me
• Work provides satisfaction, support, hope, a sense of personal fulfilment that is unparalleled
• My work gives me an identity – ‘I am a business consultant’ or even ‘I am a musician.’
• It is a source of pride, recognition, it stimulates my self-esteem, leading to a fuller life
• I like the challenge of – accomplishing goals, solving problems, making decisions or adapting to change
• Work lets me be creative, experience new things, learn more
• My work is part of a constant strive for excellence in whatever I do
• I like to be part of a team, I enjoy the camaraderie with colleagues or interaction with customers
• A sense of idealism may come into the picture where work is a personal mission to make a difference, create a better future, give back to humanity or simply to serve people.
• On a more basic plane, work provides physical activity that keeps me busy; it helps me fill my time with something to do everyday!
Little wonder then that it is always said, ‘You are what you do!’ To encapsulate, a job not only provides an income, but also fulfils a variety of other needs - mental and physical exercise, social contact, a feeling of self-worth and competence.
So much so that many people stay put in low paid jobs because they derive a lot of personal satisfaction from other aspects of that job. It may be that they feel a sense of pleasure when they see the results of their efforts or feel that they are doing something useful.
Yet, people do get trapped in bad jobs or so completely caught up in making ends meet that they fail to realise the pleasures of work.
But, the next time you catch yourself cribbing, ‘Oh! I got to work’ recall the famous insight of eminent psychologist Theodor Reik, “Work and love - these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis”.
Remember, we don’t ‘have to’ work as much as ‘need to’ work – and that makes all the difference!


Dec 14, 2007

Have you got your role right?

Published on Wednesday, Dec 12, 2007
What is your job all about? This is quite an obvious and basic tenet of any job – one that actually needs no mentioning. Yet, in the hullabaloo of getting a new job, joining formalities and settling into a high-pressure role, this crucial epicentre often goes overlooked.
In fact, ask someone the rationale behind his or her job, and most of them will be at a total loss. Don’t we enter the workplace with a personal perception of performing the job, and continue to take it from there? But success hinges on the actual content and not our assumptions of the same. And what if our interpretation of what we should do and what actually needs to be done is totally inconsistent?
In such a case, all the hard work and sincere attempts go down the drain as we may be doing things that add little value to the job, that too at the cost of more important tasks. Ultimately, we just end up meandering around in a vicious cycle - without any career progression and wondering over the ever-eluding success.
Therefore, hastily moving into a job without understanding the ground realities will only set you up to fail. It is essential to comprehend exactly what a job entails, what is expected of you and then perform accordingly, in order to maximise your career growth even while contributing to company productivity.
Then and only then, can you limit your focus to the necessary activities that constitute success, away from those things that you don’t have to or even, shouldn’t be doing.
The limelight is on Job Analysis as a powerful tool to get to the heart of your job priorities, i.e. the multiple duties needed to perform the job that you have been hired to do. Only by understanding why your job really exists, can you get a firm grip on the essential components, tasks and functions that constitute job success.
This will help you to cut through the clutter and distractions of superficial tasks that keep your work schedule overloaded forever, yet never provide value to the job or the organisation.
Here’s how to take control of your output with job analysis:
Analyse job description: This is not the synopsis posted in classifieds or on job boards, but the formal documentation that lists out in detail the key job objectives and priorities. Also, carefully peruse all business documents and procedure manuals related to your job to determine particular job duties and their relative importance.
Study performance reviews: Reviewing the assessment criteria will shed light on the precise behaviours that are expected and rewarded, thus helping you to figure out where you can prove your abilities and worth. Talk to your colleagues or past employees to identify what you are expected to achieve and what constitutes good performance.
Inspect strategy: Most people are not even sure of how their job function fits into the overall structure of the organisation. Delve into the organisational vision and goals set out in the mission statement to align your priorities in coherence with company strategy. This will enable you to ascertain and concentrate on those tasks that directly contribute to business success.
Authenticate: Discuss the job purpose, requirements and key actions with your supervisor. Once you develop a comprehensive profile of do’s and don’ts, run them by him for further corroboration. Also, substantiate the support, training or improvement needed to carry out the job effectively.
In an unstructured company, jobs may be haphazardly designed with managers themselves unsure of what exactly employees are supposed to do.
This chaos can further undermine your position and performance. The onus is on you to cut through the inaccuracies and work at establishing a clear understanding of the job content, role, objectives and responsibilities. Work on them with your manager to precisely define the expected outcomes.
Therefore, a thorough job analysis will help you to bridge the yawning gap between what you do and what your boss thinks is important. This will provide the basis for what tasks to concentrate on, which ones to de-prioritise/delegate and also those that do not even form a part of your job.
Once you work out the discrepancies, not only will you be able to manage the workload and excel at the job, but also derive a sense of unparalleled accomplishment.


Dec 7, 2007

Fine-tune the job you hate, think again

Published on Wednesday, Nov 28, 2007
Do you snooze the alarm clock eight times every morning and still pull up the covers hoping that the day would just melt away? Does even the mere thought of work inspire dismay and misery galore?
On a rational note, no job is utterly blissful that it makes you bound out of bed all the time (lucky are those that do!). In fact, a recent survey reveals that 87 per cent people don’t like their jobs. Although every job does come with its shar e of ups and downs, it should not inspire total horror or abhorrence either.
While it may definitely seem so sometimes, work is not a synonym for ‘serving time’! It can be annoying or intolerable intermittently, but is also immensely gratifying at times.
If someone is stuck in a lousy job, the loathing not only leads to stress, absenteeism and lower productivity, but also drastically impacts the rest of the employee’s life. Therefore, if you catch yourself getting the blues every time you head for office, it is time to take matters into your own hands. After all, everyone deserves to be happy at work!
From sour to sweet
The job may be terrible and horrid. It may make you feel hopeless, disgruntled, angry, frustrated or downright miserable. But switching jobs is not always the best solution. In fact, most of us cannot even afford to quit (or change our jobs too often). Face it, the next job may just prove worse than the current one. Instead of bailing out too fast, go through a checklist before making a radical shift.
What’s wrong?
Try to put a finger on what exactly turns you off and the underlying reasons for the same. Is it the repetitive work, job hours or low pay? Do you abhor the lack of recognition or need promotion opportunities? Or, do you want to escape bad boss/dreadful colleagues?
Identifying the root cause of your dissatisfaction is half the battle won. So, take an inventory of your work and categorise which factors you hate or are indifferent to. Differentiate these from those aspects that you actually like, that will help you to identify specific concerns and complaints that sap your energy. Also, highlight what exactly you seek from work – is it money, satisfaction, independence or power?
What to do
While you cannot control the organisation or the nature of your work, what you can do is change how you work or how you feel. Here’s how:
• If you are overwhelmed with work, instead of merely grumbling about the unending pressure and workload, try to figure out the real cause. It could be that you have poor time management skills, need to delegate more work or just learn to say ‘no’.
• In case of an ‘abilities and interests’ difficulty, bridge the gap by learning a new skill that will ease your work. Taking short, interesting courses can be invigorating.
• If interpersonal issues are hampering your ability to enjoy the job, try your best to befriend your colleagues and improve team relationships. If need be, communicate your concerns to the manager and solicit suggestions on the same.
• A poor relationship with the boss can also impede you from being effective at work. Either sort out the differences without needless griping or angle for a lateral transfer into another department.
• Swapping assignments or volunteering for new projects can ease the tedious monotony.
• Inject some fun into your daily routine with a jovial sense of humour. Just cracking a few amusing quips can inject vitality into the job at hand.
• If you still do not obtain any delight from your job, seek contentment in other aspects of your life. A good work/life balance with pleasing hobbies and other pursuits makes doing the work worthwhile. Else, a short holiday can also give a refreshing break.
Scoop up the positives
Be realistic, as hardly anybody can love his or her job all the time. Operating with such high expectations only sets you up for dejection.
What is important is to like the work at least most of the time.
Focus on the benefits that made you choose the job in the first place. It may be the proximity to home, flexible hours, level of responsibility, autonomy, training facilities, responsive boss or supportive team members or even the free lunch coupons. Stop and realise the reality, as the job may actually be better than you think. This may make you do an about-face and even fall back in love with the job!
Beware, job dissatisfaction may actually stem not from the work but from your own insecurities or unhappiness. If your personal problems are making your work life miserable, there is no point in changing jobs. It’s advisable to explore the private issues. Then seek family or professional help to resolve them.
If you still feel the same after exhausting all other possibilities, as a last resort consider a job or career change.
A fresh start can ignite your passion, but make sure you know exactly what improvements you seek before moving.
Even mental health professionals uphold that, ‘People can change their occupational situations, either by switching attitudes, employers or vocations!’


Managers must check negative clique behaviour

Published on Wednesday, Dec 05, 2007
People always have and always will align themselves into groups and the workplace is no exception. The management may have a clique of their own and so do the technical associates, clerical staff, customer service representatives and front-desk workers.
The groups may be within a department or between departments, be based on tenure and at times, include or even revolve around managers. Clans that are for the boss and against him are a case in point. Top workplace writer, Paula Gamonal notes in her acclaimed article, Tribal Warfare: Dealing with Cliques in the Workplace “I’ve even seen workplaces with cliques of smokers versus non-smokers, cliques of coffee-drinkers versus non-coffee drinkers, and Friends watchers (a popular TV show) versus non-Friends watchers!”
Everything is hunky-dory as long as these groups simply chat at their desks, take coffee breaks together, celebrate each other’s birthdays or even socialise after work. Though other people may feel a bit left out from the gossip, socialising or festivities, it is not detrimental to the organisational camaraderie and success.
But, what happens when the cliques turn rigid and get polarised from ‘others’. They will put their own interests over the job and company with petty behaviour like concealing information and refusing to help outsiders. Needless to say, the destructive effects directly tell on company morale, turnover, productivity and growth.
Yes, such unhealthy grouping is a harsh reality of the workplace. But this does not mean that the organisation cannot control the dysfunctional fallout at all. It will be a long battle, but concerted efforts to address the problem can contain the negative consequences to a great extent. Here’s how:
Figure out the problem
Managers should be on the lookout for signs of harmful clique behaviour like business decisions taking place without uniform input from everyone, complaints of groupism or partiality to a particular group, divisions in information sharing or even hurt feelings of ‘outsiders’. Instead of passively tolerating the undermining behaviour, they should quickly intervene with strategic conflict resolution. Else, the hostilities may rapidly escalate into irreparable dissension. Active measures like openly talking out the differences or seeking to incorporate benefits of warring groups go a long way in curtailing cliquey behaviour.
At times, it may even become necessary to analyse the nature of exclusiveness and address it directly. For instance, if a set of old hands try to isolate newer recruits and work to undercut their new ideas, efforts or processes, the clannishness may actually be a defensive reaction to what they perceive as a threat to their value and control. Therefore management should alleviate their probable anxiety over organisational change or restructuring, by constantly seeking their opinions and involving them in new events.
Finger of blame
The management is responsible for fostering a cooperative attitude among employees and for creating and maintaining diversity in the workplace. But, what if the supervisors themselves are unwittingly fostering competing cliques by ignoring conflicts or by showing preference for one group over another?
Therefore, managers should take extra care not to discriminate between groups and implement everything from rules, policies and disciplinary action to incentives and perks on an equitable footing. They should include everyone in on the act – be it seeking ideas, inputs or participation in meetings and events. Also, try and explain reasons for any differences, whenever possible.
Enforced ‘mixing’
While management cannot actually force employee groups to include others, they should give people of opposing factions a chance to interact with each other by assimilating them in project teams and other assignments. Advocate team playing by undertaking team-building activities that bring everyone together. Also, try to collaborate the efforts of various groups in problem-solving or other constructive discussions. Developing a common mission will inspire synergy and cooperation, thus focussing competitive energy into work challenges and achieving results rather than inter-group rivalry.
Also, create regular opportunities for all employees to socialise together as a large group.
For instance, forming a picnic committee, sports team or sponsoring a party will enable them to get to know each other in an open and informal environment.
Welcome on board
Cliquey divisions may subtly or blatantly ostracise new employees who end up feeling disenfranchised and alienated from the older ‘tribes’. Management should focus on helping new employees start out on the right foot with proper orientation or maybe a ‘work buddies’ programme wherein every new hire is paired with a long timer for welcoming, mentoring, or simply getting to know each other.
Also make integration an element of your performance review process. Then, raises, bonuses and promotions can be linked to how well all employees try to welcome, train and work with new hires. As management consultant, Arlyene Diamond says, “You have to model it, mandate it and reinforce it. It’s got to be top down. You will be less likely to lose good ideas and good people this way!”


Get over 'I am in control’ syndrome

Published on Wednesday, Dec 05, 2007
Mr. Amit is widely acclaimed as a brilliant employee who always turns in spectacular work and tremendous results. His attention to detail and iron determination is equally lauded. Little surprise that he rapidly ascends the career ladder and scales great heights. But are his colleagues and subordinates similarly in awe of his incredible performance?
To the contrary, a simmering antagonism is brewing, and the finger of blame swings to his obnoxious penchant for control! Mr. Amit is another product of the ‘I am in control’ stable!
Such people have a subliminal compulsion to organise and dominate everyone and everything around them. This dysfunctional ‘I know best’ affinity manifests itself time and again as constant nit picking, meddling and criticism. They adamantly call all the shots and insist that everything be done their way. Moreover, not only do such people offer unsolicited advice all the time and insist that it is adhered to, but also instantly suppress any opposing opinions or attitudes of others. Needless to say, everyone else’s work life becomes a total misery, as any disagreement is explosively met with a hostile rage.
Similarly, the workplace also abounds with micro-managing supervisors who simply have to have a ‘hands on’ everything. They are constantly looking over subordinates’ shoulders, rechecking their work and finding faults. Running a tight ship, they are not even beyond launching an aggressive personal attack at the slightest hint of dissent. This is accompanied by an obdurate refusal to delegate work and value, praise or even acknowledge others’ contributions.
However, employees cannot function under such restraining conditions and soon, even their ample competence slowly transforms into incompetence. The result is a suffocating atmosphere that completely stifles vision, morale and growth.
Is there an inherent superciliousness shadowing the propensity to seek control and be bossy, or is there something else at work here?
Well, experts believe that a megalomaniac need to always be in charge of things actually stems from a person’s inherent insecurities. They have to run the show and are paranoid about losing control. Bossing others by imposing their opinions and ways hints at a genuine need to validate oneself. As leading executive coach, Jon Stokes elaborates, “Underneath the behaviour is fear and anxiety. The ’control’ person thinks he is holding everything together and if he lets his side down, all will come crashing down.”
Operation: Reformation
Always being on top of everything with high personal standards does have its advantages, as you can achieve remarkable results initially but at what cost? An incessant quest for control pays the price with damaged work relationships and ultimately restrains your own success.
Therefore, unless you want to alienate everyone and end in a catastrophic failure, take a personal inventory to identify your reactive style. Reflect on why you are so frightened of being out of control. Why do you feel uncomfortable acknowledging that someone else’s opinion is better than your own? What makes you feel you know what’s best for others?
To tame such dictatorial tendencies, you have to overcome your jealousy and hidden insecurities. As a confident person, you will never feel threatened or get upset in the face of disagreement. An inability to trust combined with perceived threats may also be fuelling your anxiety. There is no reason to feel unsafe as no one is going to usurp your authority. Also, the world will not fall apart without you at the helm! Furthermore, you cannot actually control how other people think and behave howsoever much you may want to. The resultant stress will only prove destructive.
Therefore, it is prudent to relinquish your close-minded control and become an effective team player. Be on the healthy side of control by having not a tenacious and invasive grip, but a soft, feathery hold on things. Exercising some flexibility by say, altering your routine will help you to loosen up and relax. Once you have what it takes to deal with whatever comes your way, watch your work and relationships bloom.
As professional coach, Terri Levine puts it, “Let the proof that controlling others and every situation is not necessary for your success and happiness be the validation you need that everything is fine and so are you!”
Even as a manager, try to let go of the reins and trust employees to do their bit. Be tolerant of mistakes and open to discussing alternate ideas for work. Concentrate on the big picture and give people a chance to contribute. Empowering employees with professional autonomy, accountability and providing valuable feedback will ensure better performance.
All said and done, exerting control over one’s environment is a fundamental human need. In fact, you have to be a little controlling to do an excellent job or complete a project in time. However, there is a very fine line between taking charge and having an unhealthy obsession with control. When you find that people cannot work with you and tend to avoid you because of your over-controlling tendencies, its high time you wake up and mend your ways. After all it has been rightly said that,
‘Those who can, do. Those who can’t, control!’


Nov 17, 2007

You can lighten up a dreadful working day

Published on Wednesday, Nov 14, 2007
How many of us can honestly vouch that we really enjoy what we do!
Unfortunately, most of us operate on certain preconceived notions like –

‘Work is serious business.’
‘There is no place for fun in work whatsoever.’

One might ask why do work and fun always have to be mutually exclusive. Why can’t work be fun too?
Sorry to say, but the universally prevalent stance is that having fun in the workplace reduces productivity. If an employee has a playful attitude and jokes or is jocular, he is branded as frivolous, incompetent and even unprofessional.
Does that imply that we really have to go about our work with frowning, worried or drawn faces?
Well, contrary to popular opinion, work and fun share a symbiotic relationship. People who have fun at work actually enjoy what they do and so work much better. Moreover, an amalgam of work and fun breaks the tedium and employees don’t feel like they are working at all.
They actually look forward to going to work, something that is otherwise quite unimaginable. Imagine getting paid to do something that you enjoy doing!
Experts uphold that a good dose of humour is the best stress buster as it makes the work place more pleasant. This translates into increased productivity, confidence, morale and job satisfaction. As, Dr. David Abramis who studied the impact of fun at work for years reveals, “People who have fun on the job are more creative, more productive, better decision-makers and get along better with co-workers. They also have fewer absentee, late and sick days than people who aren’t having fun.”
Considering all these benefits infusing fun in the workplace is fast becoming an occupational necessity. The GenY workforce puts a premium on work/life balance and seeks jobs that have an inherent element of fun permeating the workplace. This does not make them take their work any less seriously, but makes them passionate to succeed. Therefore, companies that figure out this delicate equation alone can attract and retain the top talent.
Build a culture of fun
Creating a work/fun fusion injects vigour into the job and creates tolerance for the most repetitive tasks. All it takes is a few minutes of doing some boredom-breaking activities that people enjoy - like listening to music, working on a crossword puzzle or reading a short story. All this to relieve the stress and reinvigorate the employees’ thought processes. Laughing while working can lighten up a dreadful day and inject enthusiasm into even the most unpleasant of tasks.
In a similar vein, holding light-hearted contests, impromptu celebrations and other creative fun makes the office an exciting place to work in. Add to these soliciting employees’ ideas on more ways to increase fun to the workplace. It’s all about adding a dimension of playfulness to mould people to believe that combining fun with work is a way of life in your company.
Managers should set an example by adopting a cheerful deportment that reflects humour in negative situations and make them joke over their own mistakes to defuse the tension and stress. They should encourage everyone to loosen up a bit, crack a smile and not take things too seriously.
It’s high time merriment moves from the confines of locker rooms, cafeterias and water coolers to become an intrinsic part of the daily routine. Yet, it is essential to clearly explain to employees what fun is in the workplace. Only tasteful and contextual humour that does not mock or offend anyone can build healthy bonhomie and camaraderie.

What does fun on the job really mean? It is not only about guffawing or playing the fool all the time, but also making work challenging and meaningful. Employees feel their work is more lively and fun when they are given the freedom to be innovative, compete healthily, take risks, solve problems and learn new skills by working with brilliant people. Therefore, management should endeavour to provide a dynamic, fast-paced and flexible work environment. Work would then be more enjoyable, rewarding and FUN!


Nov 8, 2007

Temporary ‘connections’ aid career growth

Published on Wednesday, Nov 07, 2007
Like any other working individual, Mr. Jatin Parikh wants to advance his career and move up the ladder. The difference however is that he picks a novel way to go about it!
Mr. Parikh, a networking engineer, shrewdly participates in a new database management project as a temporary team member. The assignment is beyond his current responsibilities and presents a valuable opportunity to learn new skills.
By leveraging a series of such ‘temporary jobs’, soon he earns a seat at a higher table.
Temporary assignments are opening a new and wide vista for everything from breaking into a new field to advancing in the same one. The stigma long attached to this option has been wiped clean, as no longer is it just the last resort for struggling novices.
Provisional employment has moved from back-end administrative and clerical jobs to encompass HR, IT and even management in varied fields like retail, banking, advertising and programming.
A growing number of professionals at different levels of their careers are going the ‘temping’ route to move ahead in their professions. This new approach is not only an ideal way to step up in the career but also works as a comprehensive career strategy.
Here’s how:
• Gaining experience in a new career through a temporary stint is a viable option to achieve a successful career change. Mid-level professionals can explore other specialities, industries or companies and sample the options without the allied threat of job hopping
• They can try a job for size while checking out the responsibilities and challenges involved or use it as a stopgap arrangement for earning a living even as they look for better full-time employment
• This eye-opening insight into new areas helps them develop new skills, hone existing ones, even while unearthing hidden talent
• The diversified experience coupled with the challenge of new situations lends a broad perspective that can brighten up the most insipid resume
• Also, temporary jobs help people get a foot in the door of top organisations where they want to work. ‘Temp-to-hire’ is increasingly becoming quite a common phenomenon as more companies are offering excellent full-time positions to their ‘contract’ staff
People can now opt for ‘serial temping’ even after gaining two-three years experience or more in a particular career. A succession of temporary jobs will prove valuable in future career moves and can help them achieve their new career goals.
Captaining your ‘temp’ ship
Whether you are looking to rediscover career choices, gain hands-on experience or just test the job waters, there is no dearth of choices. The range of contract jobs available is near unlimited.
As a job seeker, you can subtly propose during a job interview to take the position on a trial basis by insinuating that the management can evaluate your suitability for permanent employment! Or, you can enrol with a good temporary staffing agency based on your specialised needs.
You can join a new task force or chip in when the management is reviving an old division or expanding in your own organisation.
Carefully select contract assignments that will complement your future career direction and also look good on the resume.
Look for project work outside your department or job description where you can contribute your functional expertise whilst developing new skills and experience.
Whichever temporary work you choose, perform to your highest abilities to so that you add value to the job. Also, concentrate on observing everything carefully to learn the work style and soak up the professional environment.
Prepare yourself for the trade-offs of temporary jobs before opting for one.
You will have to compromise on things like higher salary, bonus, raise, benefits, paid leave and insurance, generally associated with permanent employment.
Though more people are turning to contract employment as a career and lifestyle choice, do not be blindly swayed by the allure of flexibility alone.
Can you really function well in a work environment that is neither stable nor structured?
Only if you can endure the volatile challenges on the road to gaining new skills, experiences, career insights and contacts, will serial temping prove to be a good occupational fit!

Payal Chanania

Nov 2, 2007

Get back your old job with new skills

Published on Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007
Changing careers midway is all the rage now. People ditch their established careers and set out on a new path with stars in their eyes.
Yet, dreams often turn to dust as some career changers do not like the new job as much as their old one. Call it a classic case of ‘the grass being greener on the other side’ or whatever, but the new career fails to be as satisfying or rew arding as expected.
Crestfallen with the wrong turn of events, they crave to revisit the ‘good old days’! But with more and more people being bitten by the career-changing bug only to lament the decision, returning to an old occupation is no longer considered taboo.
So, instead of rueing over the situation and hating the new job, you can and should admit your mistake and try to return to your previous career. The return journey
As it is generally not considered wise to return to an old employer, it is advisable to exercise your options and try getting a job at other companies in the same field. Yet, before considering a comeback, honestly ask yourself why you want to return. Is it because you don’t have another choice?
Again, remember that your recent experience may no longer relate to your new (read: older) goals. Are you willing to be weighed down by this liability?
However, experts advise that you can twist the seeming millstone to your advantage by playing up the knowledge and additional insight gained from the multi-faceted experience.
Market your new strengths, capabilities and broad perspective that will improve your contributions and effectiveness in the old profession.
Back to square one
At worst, you can even find your way back to your old job. It’s hard saying, “Can I have my old job back?” but you have to eat humble pie and admit your mistake.
So, first assess whether the conditions that made you leave have really changed. Most often, fond memories impart a rosy hue and make an old job seem more satisfying than it really was. It pays to research the corporate scenario and talk to erstwhile colleagues about the internal environment to apprise yourself of changes, if any, in your absence.
Again, the job may not be yours for the asking. The previous employer may smirk at your over-confidence and refuse to take a once-errant employee back into the fold.
You have to argue that your new skills will make you bring more value to the old job. Also, highlight that you already know the ropes and can hit the ground running, eliminating the mandatory break-in time a new employee would take, not to mention the inherent recruitment and training costs.
Managers may even worry that the ‘refugee’ will jump ship again at the first sign of a more lucrative career opportunity. Job consultant Robert Gerberg advices, “You can make the point that, after being away from the field for a while, you realised how much you enjoyed it, and how right your talents were for it, so that the employer is not likely to find a more enthusiastic and motivated candidate for the job.
You can reassure them that you will never be looking over your shoulder, wondering whether you might be happier doing something else!”
Also, be prepared for the fact that the manager may reinstate you, but in a different position.
Is the door really wide open?
Going in expecting a red-carpet welcome is downright foolish. Do not delude yourself that things will be easy. It takes great courage and determination to ride out the derisive ‘I told you so’ and sniggering antagonism.
Try to reconnect with your old colleagues and earn their trust. Rebuilding relationships with managers and co-workers by supporting their efforts will help make the transition much smoother.
You cannot ever glide back into the job as if you were never away. Re-adjusting back takes time as the set up from working practices to organisational culture to office politics may have changed dramatically.
Try to adapt yourself to the changed scenario. All said and done, irrespective of whether you were away for six months or 60, only a well-executed job change can spell success in returning to an old occupation.


Broadband pay structure is truly skill based

Published on Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007
The corporate world is witnessing a surge of flatter organisational structures. Traditionally large and hierarchical organisations are moving away from their inherent rigidity and are seeking to flatten themselves. The multi-tier pyramidal framework gives way to a more horizontal set up by eliminating the myriad management levels.
Consequently, a flexible compensation concept called ’Broadbanding’ has also come into vogue. This salary structure strategy takes the flat organisation model a step further by consolidating a large number of pay grades into fewer ‘broadbands’. Therefore, there is a wider salary range for each band or level.
For instance, if an organisation earlier had a graded pay structure with 50 narrow ranges, now they are clubbed together into say, 10 broad ones.
For such broadband classifications, diverse jobs with similar responsibilities, accountability, knowledge and skill requirements are grouped together after a thorough job analysis.
The bands of job families carry generic job titles describing the general body of work, and not pertain to the specific duties of all the jobs included under a classification.
By reducing the job taxonomy into fewer categories with a broader scope, there are less chances of overlap with other pay ranges.
Broadbanding brings into play a performance-based salary structure wherein compensation is based on job complexity, responsibilities and skills. This approach values the role of employees and lays emphasis on skill enhancement to perform the job successfully.
Employees are paid on the basis of the skills they develop rather than just the individual work they perform. Management rewards employees for substantial capability improvement with salary increases, thus encouraging them to broaden their skills and abilities
By focussing on performance and rewarding employees for their competencies, the accent shifts to individual career growth as opposed to mere promotional advancement.
The grouping of numerous jobs in a single salary range with large mid-point differentials creates more income opportunities for employees. Managers get the latitude to determine pay raises within salary bands with or without the ‘vital’ promotion.
Whilst employees get pay raises even while moving within the same salary band, there is still scope for staggered promotions. But the advancement criteria are based on attainment of a broad set of skills.
Broadbanding is a panacea for companies as it simplifies the compensation structure and facilitates organisational flexibility. Managers can make compensation decisions faster and better administer team rewards.
Not only does the streamlined mechanism result in lower salary administrative costs, but management can also control the salary growth of individual employees. Then again, employers can cash in on the benefits of flexibility in fixing salary levels for new hires.
Collapsing group work and pay also establishes a consistent and common pay standard that is closely aligned with the market conditions.
Management can easily capture appropriate market pay differentials and become nimbly responsive to the dynamic business environment. Such a compensation system can be easily maintained and flexibly adapts to the competitive pressures of a changing marketplace.
According to compensation specialists, Keith Fortier and Christopher, in their Salary Structures white paper on, “Whereas the design characteristics of traditional structures emphasise internal equity and focus the employee’s attention on the world inside the firm, broadbanding focuses employees on the changing needs of the organisation and helps them experience an internal culture that more closely reflects the external business environment and the competitive recruiting market.”
With these advantages, broadbanding has become a recognised practice for corporate compensation. A top salary consultant encapsulates it as, “Broadbanding broadens the focus from job content and scope to include the knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual doing the work, thus enhancing the pay for performance system; better maintains a competitive job and compensation structure to aid in recruitment and retention; and, streamlines administrative processes.”
Yet, the inherent difficulties like widespread allegations of pay discrimination within the same band and fewer promotion opportunities will rear their head sooner or later. If unchecked, they can even translate into morale and productivity issues.
Therefore, management should step up to the plate and try to absorb the benefits of traditional salary structures into a predominantly broadbanding framework.


Oct 12, 2007

Be assertive, stand by your opinion

Published on Wednesday, Apr 11, 2007
"COME ON! You can work on the project tomorrow. All of us are leaving early today. Let's go". Does the drone of such whining give rise to a hesitant grumble deep in your throat? Do you end up berating yourself, "It will look terrible if I am the only one who doesn't go".
Well then, welcome to the peer pressure blues abounding in the corporate cubicles. Yes, you cannot bid goodbye to the `pressure to conform' with textbooks and exams.
We spend most of our waking hours at work and mushrooming colleague friendships are part and parcel of the official lives. The `group' hangs around together at the water cooler, during breaks and at times spills over with socialising after work hours too. Everything is hunky-dory as long as individual behaviour and thinking gels with group tendencies.
But, what happens when you feel you `have to' do something that you may not normally choose to do?
Peer pressure rears its ugly head in the form of lying to the boss, shirking work, gossiping, defying rules, accepting kickbacks, leaving early or even working late. Do the accepted thing or get out is the unwritten rule. The `forced into it' employee goes with the flow instead of standing up for his beliefs.
Contrary to popular belief, defying a bully is a tad easier as one can garner support from others who are in the same boat and also win accolades as a `courageous hero'.
But, when it comes to resisting the subtle pressure from friends or colleagues, it's a different ballgame altogether. After all, everyone wants to be liked and needs to fit in to get a sense of belonging. The sense of security wins hands down as opposed to the fear of mockery and isolation.
How far can you go to be accepted?
If you find yourself faced with the mind-boggling dilemma - to do what is right or what everyone is doing, consider these pointers before making a decision:
Not always a bad thing - Peer pressure has positive connotations too. You may feel pressured to work hard and perform better in the company of diligent and industrious colleagues, which is a good thing. Also, the pressure to conform to company rules is a necessity. Infect, it can work as a monitoring system too.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do - You have to work hand-in-glove with your colleagues. So, give in to small deviations from your personal standards to maintain harmonious relationships. Stick to matters that are worth hauling over the coals.
It ain't over even after its over - If you find yourself doing something that goes against the grain, think about the knock-on effect before blindly following group norms. Will you be able to live with yourself after committing to the deed? The final decision is yours and you will have to take the rap for it. Watch out lest you should risk your job too.
It's all in the mind - At times; people blow up the consequences beyond proportions. Colleagues may accept your `resistant' stance and still remain friends with you. As someone said, `No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'.
Doing the unthinkable: Saying `no'
It is indeed tough to be the only one who says `no' to peer pressure, but you can do it. Moreover, when you choose to refuse, it's how you say it that counts.
  • Refuse politely in a calm and discreet manner. Steer clear of confrontational or argumentative overtones to avoid offending others in the group.
  • Do not resort to sermonising. State your excuses or reasoning and change the subject or simply walk away. But, be assertive enough to show that you will stand by your opinion.
  • Adopt a non-judgmental stance; do not express disdain for others' choices.
  • Explain that you can and want to remain friendly with colleagues even though you do not agree with their activities.
  • Go a step ahead and describe alternatives or suggestions if the colleagues portray a willingness to listen.
  • You can even subtly try to exert pressure of your own to do the right thing.

Moral of the story
What you believe should dictate what you do. Inculcate a strong set of personal values. Let your feelings and beliefs dictate your actions.
Build the inner strength and self-confidence to stand firm and resist doing something when you know better. Follow your gut instinct; it will definitely lead you in the right direction.
As the famed baseball champion, Yogi Berra said, "Don't always follow the crowd, because nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded." Resist peer pressure, stay an individual.


Bankrolls not the only barrier to buyouts

Published on Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007
EMPLOYERS are trying to make the best of a bad situation by offering buyout packages to their employees.
So, instead of being shown the door, employees now have the freedom to accept the buyout offer and leave or stay on and be asked to leave eventually.
Though an expensive way to cajole employees to retire, it can successfully avert the negative effects of mass lay-offs.
Moreover, it is mutually beneficiary as employees can quit with a handsome amount in their kitty instead of meekly exiting with a pink slip.
The trend is widespread, as several companies are restructuring their workforce with buyouts.
For example, GM offered buyouts and early retirement packages ranging from $35,000 to $140,000 to $ 1,13,000 to their hourly workers.
A US based telephone company offered buyouts to $ 1,52,000 employees.
Another auto major in the US offered buyouts of $35,000 to $100,000 under a programme that will eliminate 30,000 jobs by 2012.
A buyout is a simple and easy staff reduction strategy. However, it may become a formality unless there are sufficient takers preceding an imminent lay off.
Hence, it calls for efficient planning and implementation.
Crafting a strategy
Employers must make a generous offer to persuade employees to leave. A typical package could include:
  • Cash payment - a bankroll of payout money
  • Benefits - health insurance, unemployment compensation, access to pension services
  • Severance pay - anywhere between 12 to 18 months of the current salary
  • Outplacement services - career advice and assistance in finding another job.

The terms should be consistent with the precedent, company culture, employee level, age, skills, years of service and retirement eligibility.
Buyout programmes cannot be concluded in a hurry. The company should allow 2-6 months time for employees to consider the offer.
The right ones
A buyout plan can be successful, provided there are takers. Offering a buyout across the board may be imprudent because then the most valuable workers may be the only ones to leave.
As an attorney elucidates, "There is a huge risk of brain drain. The companies may end up with a workforce that is less productive than it was before". Or, those employees who are already planning to leave or retire may jump at the chance and leave.
Instead of a universal offer, companies should prioritise the buyout to achieve specific organisational goals.
Identifying and targeting specific positions, occupations and grade levels will help eliminate surplus employees in the right areas.
For example, Ericsson offered buyouts to 1000 employees between 35 and 50 to correct its unbalanced age structure.
Also, companies should exclude `hard to replace' and critical employees from such buyout offers.
The modalities
Managements must offer a buyout after in depth thought. According to Ethan Kra, a Mercer Human Resources Consulting chief actuary for retirement, "Figure out what it will cost you to get an individual to walk out the door.
Then consider the flip side. What is it going to cost you to keep the person? How much do you save by not paying him, against what you would gain by having him around?
If you lose no revenue by losing this employee, then everything you save is a benefit".
As people accept the buyout and leave, the morale and productivity of those `left behind' will certainly take a beating.
To remain buoyant, companies have to take steps to rebuild efficiency and repair relationships.
They also have to inspire creativity and innovation to make up for the potential skills gap.
Implemented prudently, buyouts can serve as an attractive alternative to the dreaded lay offs.


Bait best talent by right wording profiles

Published on Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A COMPANY posts lucrative job openings in newspaper classifieds, online job boards and employee newsletters. It valiantly spreads the word around in an attempt to attract top-notch talent. But the efforts are all in vain, as nobody takes the bait. The organisation is stumped and cannot fathom where it is going wrong!
Ah... what they fail to realise is that the job descriptions in their advertisements may actually be driving away candidates. "We always draft `proper' profiles with all the `right keywords", is the unsuccessful recruiters' lament. But, ask them if the job description is really in line with what the average jobseeker on the road really wants, and they will be left baffled all over again.
In any case, most organisations deem the appeal of job descriptions as quite secondary in drawing the best employees. They conveniently overlook the fact that the manner in which they portray an opening can propel their recruiting efforts to dizzying heights or turn it topsy-turvy.
At the risk of sounding horribly clichéd, beauty does lie in the eyes of the beholder! Therefore, defining jobs according to what the candidates are looking for is the key to scaling the escalating war for talent in today's tight job market. Especially when companies seek to tap uncharted territory or expand operations on foreign shores, they absolutely have to identify and respond to the preferences of the local populace.
Getting buy-in with job descriptions
Staffing experts advocate that the first step in successfully finding and hiring top people is knowing what candidates really want. Scott Erker, vice president of a global human resources consulting firm affirms, "Right now, there is a significant gap between what candidates want and what employers think they want. That is dangerous for organisations because many do not understand the motivations of the candidate sitting right in front of them"
Proceeding with recruitment without any idea about jobseekers' motivations is just a feeble shot in the dark. People would not even deign to consider, let alone accept such ineffectual offers. In the increasingly competitive environment, employers can ill-afford to be found wanting, as the chips are completely stacked on the applicants' side of the recruiting table.
Tips on how to make job announcements worthy of consideration
Nuts and bolts - Company recruiters should realise that job triggers vary across markets and cultures (particularly in case of starting overseas recruitment). Before formulating a hiring strategy, they have to take what candidates want into consideration - be it title, role, compensation or other such selection criteria. Getting a feel of the people, their requirements and preferences alone will beget a value proposition that makes the job profile almost impossible to ignore.
Cover all bases - It is quite difficult to pinpoint exactly what excites a particular segment of jobseekers. Organisations have to resort to market research, interviews, surveys or focus groups to identify the decisive factors that constitute a fetching job profile. This will create a baseline understanding of the aspects that are sure to find favour, like job function - purpose, challenges, opportunities, or expectations, salary package - basic pay, bonus, type of benefits or stock options and job designation - ranging from straightforward ones to the current rage of ornate titles. Even an exhaustive perusal of applicants' resumes to understand their aspirations, inclinations and accentuated features helps in fashioning desirable job profiles.
A step ahead - Functional and hiring teams also have to tune in to specific career anchors that will attract and bind top employees to the company. The assessment may bring to light obligatory emphasis on issues like variety of tasks, challenging work, job growth, stability, security, promotion, training, recognition, innovation, autonomy/independence, group dynamics or workplace culture. For instance, if candidates' perception profile elicits weightage on strong personal relationships, recruiters should try to get to know the people on a more personal footing and also familiarise themselves with their individual backgrounds.
Bring into play - Draft compelling job descriptions by incorporating particular characteristics that are sure to impart value and spark interest. In essence, the basic job will remain more or less the same; it is the change in wording, inclusion of specific features and some minor variations that will create a drastic impact. Also, keep these criteria in mind when screening candidates, conducting interviews, negotiating terms and so on.
All said and done, a competitive consistency with people's motivations and desires alone can lure the best talent.


A little bit of advice on giving advice

Published on Wednesday, Jan 10, 2007
P.G. WODEHOUSE'S characteristic tongue-in-cheek aside goes, `I always advise people never to give advice... ...' It seems like a sound forewarning as, what worked wonders for one can result in devastating consequences for the other.
Hardly anyone actually pays heed to it. The truth is, everyone loves giving advice. Who can resist succumbing to the temptation of imparting those `priceless beads of wisdom'? Apart from validating the advisor's efforts and knowledge, the act of giving advice is a major ego boost - it notches up our sense of self-importance, authority and influence.
So, does it follow that everyone should refrain from giving advice to others? No way, because providing a piece of advice is as much necessary as it is risky. Rational advice helps the seeker find the right path, or at least become clear on what he wants. Without the guiding light of genuine advice, most people would end up wasting inordinate time on trial-and-error.
We constantly look to our superiors for sound suggestions, direction, encouragement and warning. So an effective manager is one who counsels his employees on an ongoing basis.
Paying the price
Giving advice is an art in itself. A poorly thought out statement or negligent slip can complicate matters and even prove to be disastrous. A hastily uttered opinion can haunt one forever, as receptive colleagues will not hesitate to bandy it around.
The realm of advising is a complex matter; exercising prudence alone can keep the advisor from voicing something he may subsequently regret. Striking the right balance between necessity and entailed risks is imperative.
Here's some advise (pun unintended) on what to keep in mind before uttering even a single word of advice:
  1. Tread carefully as an apparently parallel issue can still have multi-dimensional contexts. Discuss the problem to place the exact facts and distinct circumstances of the case. Trying to second-guess or assume variables will unnecessarily cloud the matter.
  2. Do not rush in with off-the-cuff solutions. Thoroughly analyse all possibilities, implications and outcomes before formulating shrewd advice that is worth following. Also, be willing to adjust it to accommodate the possible differences in the situations.
  3. An executive coach highlights, `There is really no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers - and so-called dumb questions are a lot less embarrassing than dumb mistakes'. So, if you do not have a ready solution, request some time to ponder or consult over the issue instead of feigning knowledge.
  4. When it comes to dispensing advice, wording is everything. Use a respectful and congenial tone that offers encouragement without appearing judgemental. Also, show that you are genuinely interested in helping the other person and appreciate his strengths without any patronising, pompous or authoritative overtones.
  5. Keep the counsel simple, clear and specific. Personal comments are taboo, unless of course, they happen to be complimentary.
  6. As a rule, people are more amenable to positive or congruent opinions. However, blind assent is missing the point. If you happen to differ on a chosen course of action, disagree without being disagreeable. Sensitively diffuse the defensiveness with oodles of diplomacy, tact and soft phrasing.
  7. Logical reasoning will rationalise a divergent counsel and shroud the new perspective as helpful advice. Making the recipient believe that the solution was his own idea or decision will subtly win over acceptance too.
  8. Avoid being inflexible; build the willingness to explore options if a solution appears unacceptable.
  9. Refrain from offering counsel unless it is expressly asked for.
  10. Practising what you preach is the one and only way to set a good example and build credibility. So, never proffer advice that you would not act on yourself.
  11. Last but not the least, never pester a recipient to follow your advice or take umbrage if he fails to take heed. To quote writer HannahSmith, `The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right'.
    In contrast, conclude your suggestion with the rider, `This is only my perspective and the rest is up to you'. After all, the final decision is the receiver's alone.
    After all this there is a saying " people like to give advise by the bushels but take it by the grain'.


Your critic helps you change in time

Published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2006
'If you are not criticised, you may not be doing much!'
'If you have no critics, you will likely have no success!'

Everyone will undoubtedly agree to the veracity of such celebrated quotations... ... .. but only as long as they are harmless words on paper. The nonchalant concurrence dies an untimely death the minute one is at the receiving end of a not so glowing a tribute!
We hate criticism! Be it a private conversation, meeting, impromptu feedback or a performance review, the merest whiff of a negative insinuation raises our hackles and we erect a series of indomitable barricades to deflect the `attack'. The `flight-or-fight' syndrome takes over as we deny/defend/counterattack criticism. Read it as arrogance, embarrassment, anxiety or face-saving, but an inexorable defensiveness does set in automatically.
Well, an, `I don't like this... .', `Can't you do anything right?' or `This is terrible... .' does hurt? However, what we fail to realise is that warding off or discarding harsh criticism reeks cowardice. Moreover, we ourselves stand to lose the essence of the analysis by tuning out the distressing comments. The ringside view reveals the actual effects of our behaviour and actions enabling requisite corrections provided we take it with a pinch of salt.
Winston Churchill couldn't have put it better when he said, "Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things".
A few pointers on how to open one's ears and minds to the wake-up call of an unbiased critique and react professionally:
Reality check
It is human to feel threatened and attacked when someone `dares' to pass judgments on your choices or points out your errors. But, hold your horses before rushing to your defense for... they could be right! Remember that nobody is infallible and learning from one's mistakes will actually raise the bar of our own performance.
Each to his own
Again, everyone is entitled to his point of view and cannot stop others from airing theirs. Retaliating defensively actually reveals your vulnerability and empowers the detractor with greater ammunition against you. So, refrain from becoming unduly sensitive and get prepared to deal with critical comments positively.
Change of tack
Relax and listen carefully to the entire critique without spewing counter-arguments. If you require time to surmount the initial anger, show that you are willing to hear but need to step away to reflect on the judicious comments. You can even seek further opinions to confirm the truth of the comments.
Then, discuss the feedback on a positive note - request details, examples and reasoning to clarify the general or ambiguous remarks. The disarming power of open-ended questions will stimulate the critic to respond sincerely as well as expose his real motives. Seek suggestions on how to behave differently or to tackle the situation better. This calm response will effectively take the sting out of the attack!
Ball is in your court
Critically evaluate whether the assessment is fair or not. You don't have to agree to everything, believe in yourself and filter out the points you are willing to accept. Eventually, you are the final judge in the matter and its up to you what you choose to learn from it and what you do with the knowledge. But, if there is a grain of truth in the critique, swallow your pride and admit your faults along with a commitment to make changes too. Sincerely appreciate the viewpoint and express gratitude for the valuable analysis without sarcastic undertones.
Draw the line
Do not submit to unwarranted verbal abuse or to deliberate offensiveness. This is not the time to bite your tongue, but to stand up for yourself. Set limits and assertively show that you will not cave in to the vapid insults. However, if you just disagree with something, rationally explain your stand without resorting to lame excuses. Playing the blame game and trying to pass the buck, as a justification will merely undermine your respect and self-esteem.
A step ahead
It is rightly said that your critic is your best friend. Instead of stroking your ego, he actually points out your mistakes for your own good. In fact, successful leaders treat criticism as an opportunity waiting to happen. They not only accept but actually invite others to share concerns, judge actions and question decisions. Welcoming and embracing feedback helps them polish their performance and shine. Taking such criticism in the spirit in which it is given also builds healthy work relationships based on trust and confidence.All said and done, criticism and feedback are an integral part of everyday happenings. As famed philosopher, Aristotle remarked with his tongue firmly in cheek, `Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing!'


Working with friends

Published on Wednesday, Oct 19, 2005
ONE GREAT thing about offices is that it is easy to get friendly with people. Being in the same profession/department/office provides a platform for people to interact at a social level. Is this important? Of course it is. It creates a sense of bonhomie and a feeling of unity that stitches the fabric of good teamwork.
We spend most of our adult lives at work; communicating with our colleagues, bosses and subordinates day in and day out. After a few years, they become an extended family of sorts. In fact, we spend more time with them than we do with our real families.
In time, we get to know every little itsy-bitsy detail - their children's names - what schools they go to, why Mr X is scared of elevators and since when Mrs Y has been lactose-intolerant. How does this help?
It helps because it does a few very interesting things - it reduces stress working with people you know well tends to do that and it reduces friction. End result? Improved teamwork and productivity.
Mingling with colleagues
Catching a few minutes of chatter over a cup of steaming coffee can often lighten the worst of moods and provide some much-needed respite from work pressures.
Socialising can also spill over into the hours after work, and office parties and team luncheons are the norm in many companies now.
Befriending colleagues and getting to know them at a personal level also establishes a sense of camaraderie, and makes you look forward to the job. Connecting with the people you work and having fun with them outside the office makes you more tolerant, adjusting and willing to help them. And they will be just as happy to return the favour.
It also gives you a chance to unburden yourself. You will have more shoulders to cry on and your raves and rants will find an audience of sympathetic ears. This, in turn, will boost morale, and build an effective team.
The catch
Yes, there is one. While making friends at work may seem like a good idea there is a hitch - the time factor. Or rather the shortage of it. With work hours getting longer and longer, any spare time is reserved for family and friends.
It is almost an unwritten rule. Moreover, the thought of mingling with the same people during work and then again after work is not really an inviting thought. `Who wants to see them on weekends too?' is the oft-repeated refrain.
You may definitely have better things to do with your time.
However, you can always spare an hour or so every week in trying to develop an informal rapport with your colleagues. Think of it as a business meeting and put your best foot forward. This is a golden opportunity to network with those who matter.
And, you never know, you may start liking them too.
When the superiors are involved...
Many companies often organise social gatherings to encourage employees to socialise. And, what if the higher-ups decide to grace the occasion? That can be a cause for concern if the employees feel that they are constantly being watched and scrutinised for faults.
It takes the fun out of the whole thing, unless - unless the bosses are able to let their hair down and take the occasion for what it is - a chance to shake a leg with some friends and have a good time. However, be that as it may, remember that after the party is done and the music stops playing, your boss is still going be your boss. So bear in mind that there are certain limits you must not cross. Mind your Ps and Qs and if you can manage that and still have a good time, you will have got it made.


Wielding the baton of authority

Published on Wednesday, Oct 19, 2005

MAKE NO mistake about it: power corrupts, and it corrupts absolutely. All of us crave power. We have an insatiable appetite for authority. We want it at any cost. It must have something to do with this feeling we get when our hands are laden with power, the power to control other people. Wars have been fought by kings, queens and politicians so they could keep feeling that way. Even in the modern world, who doesn't want a bit of power?
Contrary to popular opinion, authority is not about yelling or punishing or thumping fists. It is only the peripheral part of a much larger picture. Exercising authority in the workplace is essential. It is the only way a company can run smoothly.
In the work setup, a leader or manager is like a father figure. He helps, teaches and guides others. In short, he is something of a mentor. It is not about domination or about ruling with an iron fist. It has more to do with listening, monitoring and guiding subordinates.
Where authority goes, responsibility follows
Remember, with power comes great responsibility. As an employer or manager, you can wield authority over your employees, but you are also responsible for their well-being, satisfaction and efficiency. You are accountable for implementing policies and processes, maintaining discipline, building morale and ensuring optimum levels of performance. If an employee fails, who do you think is going to have his head on the chopping block? You. It is not an easy job. As American businessmanMalcolm Forbes remarked, `Those who enjoy responsibility usually get it; those who merely like exercising authority usually lose it.'
Hone your craft
Think of yourself as a captain of a ship setting its white sail on high seas. Adopt a hard-nosed aggressive approach and you will find yourself in a tempest of resentment and mutiny. If you pretend to be the lenient guy you will probably end up trying too hard to be nice, and you will lose respect and credibility as your employees will walk all over you. To quote British poet Anne Bradstreet, `Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than to polish.'
Here are a few tips to help strike the right balance between a drill sergeant and septuagenarian grandmother:

  1. First and foremost, do not allow power to go to your head. Recognise the fact that authority essentially vests in the post and not the person occupying the post.
  2. Let go of your autocratic tendencies. Aim for cooperation, not coercion. Do not try to force your employees into anything. Use persuasion. You have to win them over with humanity, compassion and benevolence.
  3. Step out of your Ivory Tower and adopt an open-door policy to facilitate free communication, trust and co-operation with the staff. Be willing to pitch in and not just observe from the sidelines.
  4. Promote an esprit de corps atmosphere by stimulating participation and collaboration amongst your subordinates. Be more sensitive to their needs. You can bond with them only when you show that you care.
  5. Concentrate on building a group of caring, happy, cautious, alert and well-trained employees. Your job is to keep their morale high and keep them brimming with enthusiasm.
  6. Mentor them to improve their performance and give proper and timely feedback too. Be willing to delegate work, appreciate suggestions, share responsibility as well as authority through empowerment and recognise competence with rewards.
  7. You need to exercise sound judgment in resolving complaints and conflicts. Indulge in careful analysis, deliberation and give the benefit of the doubt before pinning the blame on someone to ward off further hostilities.
  8. Be just in what you do. You have to treat your employees fairly and with dignity to avoid fostering illwill among the ranks.

Exercise authority with discretion and restraint, but do not be too lackadaisical either. You should not tolerate breach of authority; or else, it will undermine your position in the staff's eyes. Enjoying power is a heady feeling indeed. You should know how to use it or you will only end up falling flat on your face. This brings to mind what the great philosopher Lao-Tse professed over 2500 years ago,
A leader is best when people barely know his presence,
Not so good when people must obey and acclaim him.
Worse when they despise him.
But of a good leader who talks little when his work is complete and his aim fulfilled, they will say,
`We did it ourselves!'


Women spear-head the opt-out revolution

Published on Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006
HAVE YOU heard the latest? A sea change is sweeping the face of the corporate world. Look around you; and you'll see a paradigm shift is slowly creeping in unannounced.
Ambitious and successful women who blazed trails in large and prestigious organisations, earning six-figure salaries are hanging up their prized job boots and abandoning the sanctity of the corporate nest. Contrary to popular (read, male) perception, it is not a case of mid-life crisis or delayed motherly blues. Neither is the relinquishment driven by unsuitable work schedules, the ubiquitous glass ceiling or non-family friendly work policies. They are not even going back to tend home or hearth.
What really matters
The `opt-out revolution' is not a retreat but a brave attempt to redefine her trajectory as a `been-there, done-that' disillusionment dogs her footsteps. As more and more women prove themselves successful in their jobs, the financial rewards are not enough anymore. The hothouse atmosphere defined by 9 to 5, memos, unending meetings and deadlines are now constraints. She is also fed up of shouldering a fancy title like the VP, CFO. Claustrophobia is seeping in and female corporate denizens wish for a breath of fresh air. As one woman succinctly puts it, `At 44, I had worked my way up to vice president. I climbed the corporate ladder only to find when I reached the top that it was as far as I was going. Also, the company set goals for me that were their needs, not mine. I wonder if I can get what I really want in other people's organisations.'
In addition, the urge to do something worthwhile, follow your heart's desire and control your destiny gains prominence. They want more out of life and are willing to give up hard-earned fame and success too. As former U.S. Labour Secretary Lynn Martin put it, "Women are more aware of what's on the gravestone, which is not I worked for IBM".
The path ahead
Fed up with life zooming out of control, women are defying the traditional employment norms and migrating to challenging fields that fulfill their desires. Not afraid to change or take risks to redefine ideas of success, she is prepared to go out on a wing and a prayer. Yes, she is willing to get her hands dirty too as she strikes out on her own.
Qualified, intelligent and energetic women want to chart their own course and run the show, so to speak. We can see that they are all set to leave the corporate world behind to don the mantle of entrepreneurs and leap into the self-employment turf. In effect, female entrepreneurship is on the rise like never before as women are not even afraid to row against the wind to build a new business from scratch, often in a totally unrelated field too.
Business, freelance work, counselling or consulting is the progressive battle cry. There is no dearth of variety as an array of creative choices beckons in the form of web designing, mail order, real estate, software training, public relations, advertising, retail stores and so on. Infact, according to a recent survey by the Business and Professional Women's Foundation, women start some 400 new businesses a day in the U.S. alone and one in every 11 U.S. women owns a business too. However, the transition is no cakewalk as most of these women are the breadwinners with a family to support and defying responsibilities and peer-pressure. It does take extreme courage to cop out, but for those who dare take the plunge, there is no looking back, as success resolves the lingering ambivalence and validates their choices. Yes, they can and do build their own empires, often starting on a shoestring too.
Ultimately, such empowerment helps them to reclaim their sense of value and self-worth. And, finding your dream come true makes life worth living too!
So, do not hastily dismiss this as a foolish move. As, career counsellor, Andrea Kay sums up, `If you are still thinking, they just could not cut it, that they lacked "the right stuff", think again. They have just what they need - the courage to redefine their ideas of success.' So, don't you think that men will follow suit too?


How long should an interview take?

Published on Wednesday, Oct 10, 2007
There are scores of questions a nervous interviewee faces right from what to wear to an interview, how to conduct oneself, what to talk about and how to answer tricky queries.
More astonishingly, there are some uncertainties on the other side of the interviewing table. Carrying out an interview is no mean task in itself, yet the biggest question confounding interviewers is the acceptable length of interviewing time.
Uptight candidates also wonder anxiously how long they will be on the grill!
So, ideally how long should an interview take?
Well, recruitment takes time and is never known for quick decisions. A thorough hiring process requires time to measure candidate quality and ponder on the assessment. It may entail taking the dialogue through multiple levels, broken into numerous interviews.
Generally speaking, there is no hard and fast rule for interviewing time and interviews stretch as long as necessary to determine candidate competence and motivation. Nevertheless, following are a few pointers for maintaining optimal interviewing length:
An eye on the clock – While the exact time taken may vary from organisation to organisation, typically, an interview should last for more than an hour. For entry or mid-level positions, it can be 30 – 50 minutes, whereas senior posts warrant at least 50 - 70 minutes.
It is important to remember that the duration will vary for face-to-face, telephonic and virtual interviews. Again, panel or board interviews take longer than those with individual interviewers. The industry, scope of job, role and complexity are major determinants.
Make the right moves – Preliminary interviews are basically conducted to determine whether the candidates are qualified for intense interviewing and are of a shorter duration. For instance, at job fairs initial screening lasts for just two to three minutes.
At times, even third and fourth interviews may seem necessary. As a recruiter rightly points out, “No matter how much time you spend, it’s impossible to get a complete and accurate assessment of a person in one interview”. The going gets tougher as these subsequent interviews may take an hour and a half to even two.
Stem the tide – It has been observed that some interviews run longer than even two or three hours due to difficulties in assessing candidate characteristics and complex work histories. A few even come with a two-day itinerary. In fact, a top IT company is known for its long-winded sessions in multiple interviews. Interviewers should bear in mind that long evaluation sessions are not only draining for them, but it annoys and exhausts the ones at the receiving end too.
Going back five to six times for ‘clarifying further aspects’ can break the best of the candidates. So, try to avoid extending the dialogue unnecessarily. Also, if an interview needs to take ‘all day’, allow the interviewee short breaks.
Put your cards on the table – It is prudent to set an agenda and establish some kind of a time limit for the interview. Outlining a timetable in advance will help hiring managers properly manage the time spent in the interview and cover all aspects even while wrapping up the session in time. Therefore, plan an appropriate and convenient setting to avoid needless interruptions eating into interviewing time.
Informing the applicants about the approximate duration and what it will cover further helps in sticking to the schedule. Please do not rush the candidates, take the time to make them feel comfortable and relaxed. Also, allow for overrunning as a conversation may elongate at times.
Take a bow – All said and done, while there is nothing like a perfect interviewing duration, recruiters should try to keep it short and sweet as far as possible. When encore evaluations are necessary, they can even launch innovative measures to keep candidates going from interview to interview without losing their enthusiasm.
Top management consultant and writer, Lou Adler sums it up best with, “I can’t see how anyone would want to hire for an important position without at least five to eight hours of total interviewing time”.


Good referrals earn you goodwill

Published on Wednesday, Oct 10, 2007
This philosophy is as old as time itself – you have to give something to get something.
With jobs becoming increasingly more about ‘who you know’ rather than ‘what you know’, the subject of getting referrals has become very important. But the fact that to get referrals you have to give sound referrals too, hardly ever gets a mention.
As top job search consultant, Peter Roosen elaborates, “A better approach is to become really good at giving great referrals. It is a bit like the ’giver’s gain’ concept in networking, which basically goes that those who give great service to others are rewarded for doing so”.
So, it is important to give good referrals. Becoming a lead source that swings open doors for others will garner excellent goodwill and stand you in good stead when you yourself need to gain a foot in the door for a lucrative job.
Here’s how to give high quality leads in your personal or professional capacity:
The to-dos
Referrals are all about putting in a subtle word in favour of the person being referred. Develop a sound process for the recommendation – be it by telephone, letter, email, and in-person, at a social gathering or even over a round of golf.
Talk to the person whom you are referring before proposing his name. Try to get an idea about the candidate’s qualifications, skills, work history, performance and attitude. Confirm whether he wants you to give a performance or character reference, or both. This will enable you to put in a good word without sounding vague or hesitant. The quality of your referral will reflect your judgement and a bad one can come back to haunt you forever.
Also pay heed to the popular adage, ‘If you cannot say anything good, don’t say anything’.
When it comes to actually making the introduction, it is essential to provide a professional and accurate description to make the referred person look good. Casually market the candidate’s characteristics, responsibilities, skills, strengths and goals.
It’s your discretion about how much praise and positive information you provide. But it’s more effective to eloquently highlight one or two exceptional qualities instead of going overboard with the minutiae. You can even offer to provide more information if required.
Do not leave it at that. Follow up with the recipient to confirm the fit and relevance of the person you referred.
The don’t-dos
Operation: Anytime, Anywhere? – Recommending someone for a job is not merely about name-dropping or email spamming. These obtrusive tactics are impersonal, awkward and low-impact. In fact, the unanticipated intrusions can have a diametrically opposite effect and turn potential employers antagonistic towards the person being referred.
Instead of doling out names arbitrarily, it is better to set up the receiver to expect the referral. Gaining permission before dropping a name enhances retention of the information provided.
Operation: Hit or miss? – Giving a referral is not about high volume or pestering someone all the time. So much so, referral seekers are mortally terrified that a referrer may hard sell them by calling a ‘contact’ night and day.
Never abuse your valuable network by harassing people in the early hours of the day or like clockwork every night. Remember that just one well-timed and appropriate remark can do the trick.
Operation: Anyone? - Can you really afford to refer just about everybody who asks you for one? Isn’t your very reputation and image on the line with the quality of your referrals? As the American Referral Institute puts it, “When you give a referral, you give a little of your reputation away. If you are sceptical about a person’s value or fittingness for the said job, it is better to turn down the referral request rather than rue your actions later”.
Operation: Truth or fallacy? – Do not resort to half-truths or fallacies just to push a person’s candidacy. Ensure that you stick to honest, consistent, factual information and wax eloquent only about those qualities of the person that you really know.
In essence, make an effective referral and both parties will thank you for the favour. If it’s done well, you will feel good about it too. But glitch up the job and everyone will suffer, you included.


Sep 24, 2007

Regain a job after being rejected

Published on Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007
In your endless job search, you finally stumble on the perfect job. You dash off a resume immediately and maybe even land an interview. Sadly, no job offer follows
You get either a standard rejection letter, a cautiously worded elimination call or even worse, are left hanging never to hear from the organisation again.
Well, nobody likes rejection, especially when it comes to being passed over for a dream job. This loaded feeling leads to unprecedented frustration, anger and bitterness. But do not dejectedly cross off the job just yet. The initial rebuff does not necessarily draw a permanent curtain on the job. Why not fight tooth and nail for the ‘much wanted’ job rather than letting the opportunity sink without a trace?
As Shelia Gray, a leading director of global talent acquisition advises, “If there’s an organisation you really want to work for, don’t let your first rejection be your defining moment. Continue to pursue the organisation.”
A good dose of logic
Always keep in mind that a job worth having will attract umpteen candidates, that too mostly well-qualified ones. You are just one among the crowd that was eliminated. This does not necessarily reflect on your abilities or achievements in any way. Someone may just be better qualified, more suitable or having something else going for him.
If you overcome the disappointment and respond professionally in the face of the rejection, you may actually get the company to retract the rejection and offer you a job! After all, you never know - the chosen candidate may fall through, not turn up or even decline the job. Even so, a positive reaction will keep you on the recruiters’ radar for when the position falls vacant again or a different one becomes available.
Keep a cool head
A rejection will hurt terribly, but never make the mistake of expressing your anger or resentment at the hiring managers. Candidates who fling abuses, accusations or argue vociferously squander their possible chance of being reconsidered for the job. To stand out from the crowd, it’s important to accept the rejection gracefully.
Go ahead and ‘thank’
Ironically, the first thing to do after being denied the job is to say ‘thank you’. Writing, emailing or calling to extend this simple courtesy will effectively distinguish you from other rejected contenders. Express your sincere gratitude for having been considered for the position even while reinforcing your strong desire to work for the company.
Carefully word a polite and professional appreciation to reiterate your continuing interest in the opportunity and the value you can bring to the job. This thoughtful communiqué will spotlight your initiative, enthusiasm, grit and sincerity.
A top HR director recalls inviting a rejected candidate for another interview and subsequently hiring him, “He acknowledged that it would have been a great company to work for, but that he understood he was not the right person for the particular opportunity. Most recruiters remember great candidates, and this letter kept him top of mind!”
Keep in touch
Continue to send friendly reminders about your job status and interest level in the organisation. Demonstrate an easy familiarity with the company and encourage them to keep you in mind for future positions. In the follow-up, tailor your approach to the job and company; at times, you can even go as far as subtly requesting reconsideration.
For instance, a recently rejected soul urged the organisation to label him a backup candidate and relating what he did says, “I said that I was really disappointed because the company was my No. 1 choice and asked them to reconsider me if somebody backs out or if another position opens up. A week later, the company retracted its rejection and offered me the job, which I accepted!” But, the trick is to soft sell yourself without overdoing it and infuriating them unnecessarily.
Pick their brains
A charming way out is to call the hiring manager and ask him/her for feedback. Pose questions like where you went wrong, why you were not a good fit for the position and what you lack. Soliciting suggestions and advice for subsequent interviews will demonstrate your sincere interest in personal development and career progression.
All said and done, tackling a rejection with maturity, objectivity and persistence will keep your name in front of the recruiters and can turn the defeat into ultimate victory!
Last but not the least; remember that a rejection is not the end of the world. Learn to take the disappointment in your stride and you will benefit in the future.