
Feb 2, 2008

Workout at workplace nets more productivity

Published on Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007
FIND YOURSELF stuck behind a desk all day long every day? If so, you are surely gaining a lot more than just a fat salary. There is no perplexing mystery as I am merely alluding to... ... .. our expanding waistlines!
Don't believe me? Look in the mirror again. Isn't the effect of the relatively sedentary work there for all to see? Hasn't a once-upon-a-time lean frame gradually disappeared under oodles of fat? Is it any wonder then that most employees bewail, `my job makes me fat!'
Obesity strikes!
The statistics speak for themselves. According to the `Work and Health' survey, 2006 by the largest US online job site, Career Builder, 46 per cent workers gained weight since starting their current jobs.
One in five workers packed on more than 10 kg, while nearly 10 per cent exceeded 20 kg.
The type of work involved is a principal determining factor in weight gain as 57 per cent of government employees, 54 per cent of IT workers and 53 per cent of people in accounting/finance had growing waistlines as compared to just 35-39 per cent for retail workers and sales representatives who are often on their feet.
Well, spending 40 hours or more a week sitting at the desk is bound to take its toll. The lack of physical activity coupled with working lunches, dinner meetings with clients, not to mention the in-between high calorie snacking packs on more and more kilos before we can even think of shedding a few. The perpetual `pick-me-up' coffees/soft drinks just add more fuel to the already blazing fire.
The escalating weight manifests in our work in the form of increased illness, lethargy, stress and despair, translating into inefficiency, low productivity and eventual burnout or depression.
From fat to fit:
Exercise! The very mention of the word spawns yet another round of `Where's the time?' laments. Yet, isn't it high time that we quit resorting to such lame excuses and make serious efforts to reverse the mounting pointer on the weighing scale.
Robin Steagall, a registered dietician and nutrition communications manager of the Calorie Control Council in Atlanta says, "You don't have to make drastic change. Increase your physical activity, lower your calories - that's what is going to work for you over time".
Simple solutions for getting fit again:
Sweat it out - You cannot afford to avoid working out just because you are too busy.
Accommodate regular physical activity in your daily schedule - be it before, after or even during work.
Sign up for yoga, aerobics, dance or at the local gym and keep to it strictly. What's more, any moderate exercise like regular walking/jogging/cycling will have a tangible impact.
Teaming up with a friend/colleague gives an added stimulus to be regular for the workouts.
Squeeze in activities - Look for everyday opportunities to fit in body movement during work wherever possible.
Even slight changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking down the hall to a colleague/manager's cubicle rather than e-mailing him, cycling to work, picking the farthest parking spot, etc. can make a world of difference. Similarly, use excuses to get up and move like offering to run errands, going out for lunch or just strolling to the water cooler.
Fitness at the desk - Being desk bound is no justification for letting yourself off the hook. Incorporating creative ways to work out at the desk itself like intermittent stretches, bends, shoulder shrugs and wrist rolls can restore physical stability.
Some people even discreetly use lightweights or do push-ups at their desks!
Watch what goes in - Get smart about your food with small-sized yet regular meals at appropriate times.'
Opt for low fat, nutritious foods like fruits, salads, juices instead of junk fare. Also, stock healthy snacks at your desk to assuage any untimely cravings.
On-the-job facilities - Many companies are jumping onto the health bandwagon with a slew of health benefits as it reduces absenteeism and health claims even while enhancing productivity.
Avail yourself of corporate facilities like internal gym/spa/yoga centres, personal trainers, nutrition and fitness mailers, in-house dietician/nutritionist, health foods in cafeteria etc. that are on offer. In fact, one survey respondent says, "When I look for a new job, access to a health club and work hour flexibility get top priority"..
This is no exaggeration as once you shed the unnecessary weight, not only will you look and feel good, but it will also boost confidence, morale and motivation leading to reduced stress and better performance.
Even recent studies correlate that people who exercise have more energy and are ultimately more productive at work.
Ultimately, the choice is yours. Do what works for you with requisite lifestyle changes to live the healthiest life possible.


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