
Sep 2, 2008

Work to be recognised, get promoted

Published on Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008

You have worked hard and want and even merit a promotion. But the hard truth is that we often don’t get what we deserve let alone want!

A promotion rarely, if ever, comes knocking. Its not that you cannot get a better deal, but it will not be handed to you on a platter. Even the most competent employees cannot sit back and wait for an advancement to fall in their lap. So, instead of s imply wallowing in resentment, why not step up and make it happen.

An inside look at how promotions happen in most organisations highlights the efforts it takes for skyrocketing your career in-house. Here’s how to take charge of your career and work at getting yourself promoted:

Rise above the pack - Prepare yourself to make the most of any opportunities that come your way to become a helpful and supportive asset to the organisation. Volunteer for difficult projects, conduct extra research and take up work outside your job description. Try to solve important problems, suggest innovative ideas for company progress or even write constructive articles for company newsletters and industry magazines to enhance your image. Going the extra mile by doing things with more creativity will give you an unique advantage over others.

Get attention – It is not only important to do good work, but also attract favourable attention to the same. So, instead of simply keeping your nose to the grindstone, try to get yourself on the radar of people in a position to help you. Shine the light on your achievements, promote your abilities and advertise your goals. Like Donald Trump observed, “If you don’t tell people about your success, they probably won’t know about it.” But, ensure that you subtly weave your accomplishments in casual conversation without blatantly winging for a promotion.

Further ammunition – If you have already set your sights on a position you desire, gather all possible information about the same. Talk to your acquaintances, HR or conduct further research to find out the qualifications needed, inherent responsibilities and key issues. Then, concentrate on preparing yourself accordingly by developing your skills, knowledge and ability to meet the job demands. Join formal training classes and seminars to stand a better chance.

Else, try to identify ‘transition positions’ that open the door to promising advancements beyond them. This will not only offer significant learning opportunities, but also holds credence as the best person to fill a job is someone who has already performed the job.

A finger on the pulse – It pays to talk to people who have moved up to the level you wish to attain. Analyse what they did in order to succeed. Observe their work methods, attitudes, ethics and behaviour. Learn from their successes and failures. Even building a network of contacts beyond your functional area, rendering favours and allying yourself with a successful/well-regarded mentor will enable you to take advantage of promotional opportunities.

In the line – Very often, the powers-that-matter may be blissfully unaware that you are interested in a better job and want to move up. Get an interview with a decision-maker who can help you locate a more rewarding position. Show that you are serious about career advancement by putting forward the skills, talents, attitude and abilities you have to offer. Give him solid reasons why you are worthy of an appropriate promotion. Make the right impression as you sell yourself – sound positive and calmly talk out that you want to become more valuable, responsible and better paid.

Then again, chances are that the boss may utter a categorical ‘no’. In that case, seek advice on where you fall short and what you need to do to be ready for a promotion. Work on it to be recognised, promoted and earn your worth the next time round!


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