
Jul 31, 2007

Get A Firm Grip On Team-Building Events

Common manager thinks - "My team is not working as well as it should. We need a team-building event to sort it out” or even worse, "Everyone is having them, why not us?”.
Although team outings are the latest buzzword in the corporate arena, do all teams return from the ‘trips' with a firmly ensconced team spirit in tow? Will simply playing football in teams or a vigorous session of rock-climbing translate into effective teamwork in the office milieu? If only…
Is it any wonder than that most of these much-hyped sessions not only fail to live up to expectations but also flounder- a colossal waste of precious time and money?
Getting the 'plan' off the ground
Taking off once or twice a year to cooler climes or beach resorts works just as a relaxing escape or an unwinding vacation at the most. However, a team-building session is no picnic by a long shot surely not for the organisers.
Active teaming exercises go much beyond throwing together a couple of games and fun activities. Before impulsively packing their bags and embarking to the 'latest' corporate retreat, managers should clearly understand the true concept of team-building events.
Instead of operating on a fuzzy notion of developing team spirit, carefully establish the exact purpose and goals that you wish to achieve. Structure the programme with specific objectives vis-à-vis the type of team, kind of attitude required, level of interaction to be developed, and the brand of behaviour to be generated.
Also throwing together a group of people and expecting them to discover how to work together through a couple of ingenious contests is like asking for the moon. Even enforcing compulsory participation with the concurrent message, 'You all have to learn to work together as a team' will stir reluctant involvement and at times, even a loathing defiance. Promoting a deep understanding, trust and open communication is essential for milking the true potential of a team-building session.
Therefore, rather than simply 'encouraging' people to work together, facilitate an opportunity that helps them understand how team members really think, behave and function in a workplace context. Design team-building games that help participants to understand each other's perspective, strengths and motivations, thus instigating their capacity to cooperate with each other. As a top consultant explains, "Activities that give an opportunity to reveal the way we think, make decisions and react will create better and further understanding of workmates. Finally, a team building event that allows each others' attitudes and behaviour to surface creates better relationships in the office”.
Taking it forward
People cannot learn to work together just from a one-day or even week's attempt. As such, team-building events will not work as a one-off exercise. The temporary interaction can be effective only as an adjunct to enhance regular team building efforts carried out in the workplace. If organisational policies and practices are diametrically opposite to building team spirit, the whole event will just turn into a ludicrous fiasco! Therefore, demonstrating sincere commitment to pooling unity, cooperation and lasting relationships in daily operations is imperative.
If the 'team-building' is to add real value, make the cohesive outcome linger beyond the venue. This calls for constantly reinforcing the lessons learnt in daily work. Allow the new camaraderie to take root and start working, by following up with meaningful activities in the workplace. Promoting collaborative interaction amongst team members will create the right atmosphere that maximises the benefits of the time and energy spent.
As writer, Susan Heathfield emphasises, "The likely long-term effectiveness of a team building event is enhanced when you incorporate annual team building events within the company structure. This cultural framework of philosophies, values and practices is designed to build the concept of 'team' on a regular basis. In this environment alone, team building sessions can yield supportive results”.
Finally, team-building events alone cannot prompt effective teamwork. Organisations should involve other training programmes like role-playing, brainstorming or classroom training to build harmonious relationships. Even with this, team spirit cannot be inculcated overnight and will take its due time.


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