
Sep 24, 2010

Agility factor will determine your career growth

Published on September 8, 2010

Ask any recruiter, hiring manager or employer what kind of employee they are looking for and the first things that comes to mind these days across organisations, job functions and levels is undoubtedly – nimbleness, resilience, adaptability, flexibility – in other words AGILITY!

Yes, this is the age of the agile employee necessitated primarily by today's rapidly changing world. Proactive employees who can constantly respond to the dynamic work environment are the ones that companies not only want to hire, but also retain and develop for the future.

But the fact remains that most people still cannot handle change. The very thought of change raises unpleasant feelings and stresses them out. Unfortunately, they are accustomed to doing things in a certain way and rigidly fight the smallest change.

On the other hand, agile employees are those who not only confront change head on and quickly adapt to the changing circumstances, but also actually welcome the challenge of uncertainties. Backed by the flexible attributes, they can effectively perform their job duties in the face of any change and also thrive despite the heady competition. Undoubtedly, this agility is the only way to be successful in the future!

As business expert Dr. Patricia Buhler writes in her column ‘Managing in the New Millennium', “To continue to do things the way that they were always done (without any changes) dooms you to failure. It has become a critical skill today to be flexible, agile and responsive to the changing world. An agile employee is ready to meet the challenges of today's world - and to succeed.”

Again, agile employees are those who have widened their portfolios of job roles, skills and experiences so that they can become more multi-faceted with varied and versatile abilities which can be applied and recombined in numerous ways to fuel innovative business value.

To quote Dr. Patricia Buhler again, “It is no longer sufficient to know just one job and be able to perform that job in one way…..”

Learn the ways: The big question now is - How do you make yourself agile?

Well, agility is more of a mindset and an attitude. This requires a paradigm shift as you learn to push the boundaries and develop the capacity to adapt yourself accordingly.

But don't worry if you don't think you are agile. It just requires a concerted effort as you consciously work at moving from a simply reactive state to a more responsive one.

Here are a few pointers:

Do not make the mistake of constraining yourself to the set ways of doing things. Approach your job from a new perspective to develop new ways of doing things.

Be willing to tailor yourself on the go as you courageously match yourself to whatever is changing – be it job requirements, customer demands or supplier needs.

Make yourself capable of handling diverse problems, thinking on your feet in the times of crisis and also taking decisions in the face of ambiguity. Vigilantly rising to the occasion time and again will definitely open you to new opportunities for something better.

Strive to innovate constantly and take intelligent risks while proposing ideas and considering new ways of doing things. Attempt to work on your own instincts and develop completely new propensities Also, be open to trying new approaches and learning new techniques.

Training, coaching and also cross-training will broaden your learning curve by acquiring new skills. You should also be open to doing different jobs and thereby grow with each one.

Working on cross-functional or virtual teams will further expand your capabilities and make you feel empowered. This constant advancement will enable you to both take on different job roles as you expand beyond your expected career path as well as switch career paths when needed.

On a slightly different note, you have to be a team player by seeking to work with others.

Last but not the least; self-discipline is a must for the agile employee so that you can stay on the path!

And voila! Now you are ready for anything and can no longer be taken by surprise. In fact, you can comfortably roll with the punches that life and work throws your way. What's more, even if you stumble and fall, you are more than capable of picking yourself up, dusting and continue walking!

Bravo to the agile employee!

Payal Chanania

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