
Jan 12, 2008

Communication - the unified way here to stay

Published on Wednesday, Feb 07, 2007
ACCESSIBILITY through communication is stretching limitlessly. We can reach anyone, anytime, anywhere - in real time too. A plethora of communication devices spells ever-increasing connectivity with varied contraptions like mobile phones, pagers, faxes, PDAs, emails, IMs, webconferencing, voicemails, blackberries and online communities raising accessibility to unimaginable levels.
Does it follow that the proliferation makes it easy to reach people? Sorry friends, but we couldn't be more wrong. The paradox is that the overabundance of different modes, media and devices facilitating constant contact actually delay access by creating more barriers than they break. Picture this. You are trying to get in touch with a colleague to obtain pertinent data hampering a critical project. You call his cell phone only to reach voicemail. Ringing his landline number lands you with an answering machine. Undauntedly, you dash off an email, an IM and a sms, but to no avail. Initiating a web conference does not yield any results either. Frustration mounts as you dismally await a response.
Unfortunately, communication access is still limited to particular locations, modes or devices. Prevalence of numerous phone numbers, multiple email ids and several online identities tangles the web further. Such complicated accessibility hinges on when an individual checks specific voicemails or emails and gets back to us.
A recent survey reveals that there is a 70 per cent chance of getting voicemail when we are trying to call someone. Another study says that one in every four employees spends an equivalent of three full working days each year trying unsuccessfully to connect with other people. Obviously, more time gets wasted in connecting than actual communicating.
Unified communication technology emerges as the answer to assimilating the varied means we use to contact each other into a single environment. This dynamic convergence tool spans all possible devices and integrates them in a solo personal message channel, thus eliminating barriers and making it quite easy to reach each other.
Personal applicability
The intuitive, user-friendly and seamless experience of single-point access enhances the appeal of unified communications for individuals. They can manage interactions effectively with control right at their fingertips. For instance:
The convenience factor stems from providing users a single identity tied to a content - independent single mailbox for constant access thus reducing the number of points for checking communications to a single interface, which can be easily accessed from a telephone or internet.
The streamlining facilitates access no matter where you are and what you are using. Everything from transactions, mails or messaging can be conducted even when on the move from any handy/productive device like phone, laptop or PDA.
Latest enhancements enable speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion.. Now you can hear your mails or read voice messages
The flexibility of anywhere, anytime access comes hand in hand with highest level of privacy control as you can define when and how you can be reached as well as by whom.
It will also automatically route phone calls, emails and other messages to the right/specified device when you are busy or unreachable
The presence feature transmits information about your availability making it easy to reach you immediately without repetitive attempts yet subject to your preference.
Organisational suitability
Cutting-edge unified communications are an invaluable addition to organisations too. The powerful mode of communication encompasses everything from messaging, real-time interactions, collaboration systems to transactional applications and draws them together under one roof. Not only does this enable single device access for voicemails, emails, SMS or fax, but also facilitates other enterprise applications like retrieving videos, soundclips, pictures, schedules, calendars, work flows along with aiding web browsing, e-commerce and so on. As Microsoft head, Bill Gates elucidates, "Unified communications enable us to close the gap between the devices we use to contact people when we need information and the applications and business processes where we use that information".
By replacing their conflicting systems with a unified communication tool (top service providers are Microsoft, Cisco, Siemens), organisations can reduce communication complexity and enhance collaboration for efficient business interactions.
By enjoying the benefits of ease of access, providing 24/7 x 365 service and workforce mobility, companies can empower employees with speed, efficiency and productivity. This functionality also reduces management costs, saves time and improves customer satisfaction manifold. Coldwell Banker Advantage's CEO Mike Largent rationalises reinventing their communications systems, "In today's market, customers want instant answers to their questions. They are not going to get that if they have to go through three or four people on the phone, or if agents are not checking their e-mails frequently enough".
This technology is still in its nascent stages and harbours potential scope for developing many more applications. Above all, the end result is undoubtedly, smart communications with immediate gratification to boot.


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